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pelvic girdle pain

Pain at the pubic bone is also known as pelvic girdle pain

It is a common ailment experienced during pregnancy

In fact, in a study by Mogren (2006), 50% of pregnant women have some type of pelvic girdle pain prior to 20 weeks gestation. The pain can make daily activities like working, walking, and doing chores, painful if not impossible, and can can also negatively affect quality of life and sexual life during pregnancy (Mogren, 2006).

Symptoms of Pelvic Girdle Pain (Pubic Symphysis Pain):

  • Mild to severe pain over the pubic symphysis
  • Pain can extend down the groin and inner thighs (one or both sides)
  • Pain can be felt at the sacroiliac (SI) joints, glutes or thighs
  • Pain with standing (especially on one leg)
  • Pain with prolonged sitting
  • Pain with movements like sit to a stand, rolling over in bed, or going up or down stairs
  • Clicking in the joint present

What to do if you have pelvic girdle pain:

Contact a pelvic floor therapist

Oftentimes, those with pelvic girdle pain may require advanced manual techniques to restore normal alignment, reduce muscle spasm, and perform stabilization exercises that will strengthen the area without causing further pain. Getting a referral for an evaluation from a pelvic floor therapist will help guide you get the care you need and the guidance you'll need through this process.

Modify Activities

Avoid positions that make your pain worse. If certain activities cause pain, for example, standing on one leg while slipping a shoe strap over your heel, sit down instead.

Keep legs together when rolling over in bed or getting out of the car, imagine you are wearing a tight mini-skirt. Try getting into bed "on all fours" and then lying on your side, rather than sitting in bed and lifting her legs up. Avoid positions with legs separated very wide: deep squat, child’s pose, butterfly stretch.

Pillow between the legs when you sleep on your side at night. Gently squeeze the pillow when you roll in bed.

Pelvic Brace

Stabilize your core with a pelvic brace when you lift objects and go up/down the stairs. To perform a pelvic brace: gently contract the pelvic floor (kegel) while activating your transverse abdominis muscles (“belly to spine”).

serola belt scaled

Wear a support belt

Get a compression belt or maternity support to help stabilize your pelvis. We like the Serola belt and sell them at Femina PT. Wear the belt when up and about, especially with exercise and household chores.

Gentle Exercise

Cut out high impact exercise when experiencing pain. Instead, try walking, swimming, and gentle yoga.

For more information on pubic symphysis pain read this article by Heather Jeffcoat.

Would you like more support?

Contact Femina PT for an appointment today!

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by Mary L.

I started seeing Heather to treat my Interstitial Cystitis in November 2016. At this time, I was extremely miserable, in constant pain, and felt as though no one was listening or understood what was going on with my body. I have just finished my last appointment and I can honestly say that my life has completely changed for the better because of Heather and her team of PTs! I live almost completely pain free, and when I do have flare ups, I am able to treat them at home on my own. I am so grateful that this office was recommended to me a honestly cannot recommend them enough!

Read more: Testimonial by Mary L.

Testimonial by M.N., age 28

A personal journey and testimonial from one of my patients:

I was diagnosed with vaginismus 4 years ago. I never heard of such medical condition until after I got married. At first my husband and I didn't know what to do, we didn't know what the issues were or how to overcome it. Being born and raised in Armenia and being Christian I wasn't that open about talking to sex with others and so it wasn't easy to seek help. But eventually I went to an Ob-Gyn and luckily she knew about the medical condition (not many doctors know). She referred me to a physical therapist and I couldn't believe it and thought it's something I can handle myself. I ordered a kit from vaginismus.com and started practicing with dilators. There was some small progress but wasn't much helpful.

Read more: Testimonial by M.N., age 28

Testimonial by J.B.

My husband and I were having problems with painful intercourse. My therapist recommended that I go and get a pelvic floor evaluation from a physical therapist. Having never been treated by a physical therapist, I wondered how this really was going to help me. My husband who is a physician was very supportive and agreed that a PT evaluation would be a great idea. So i made the appointment and was blown away by what I learned. I had no idea that pelvic floor muscles could get tight and have trigger points just like any other muscle in the body. I'm a massage therapist and very familiar with tight muscles, and this new thought really amazed me. Heather's program to help relax and strengthen these muscles made such a difference. I can say that I am 100% pain free during intercourse now. Yippee! Going to the PT appointments and doing the at-home exercises was definitely a discipline, but it's 100% worth it! The rewards are amazing.

-- J.B.

Testimonial by Y.L. (mom of 2)

After having my second baby via C-section I searched for months to try to find help for my lower back pain and separated abdominal muscles. I finally came across Heather Jeffcoat via a mommy blog. I reached out to her via email and set my first appointment. My first appointment went amazing … she listened to what my symptoms, check my separation and explained to me in detail what the next steps would be. Not only did my abdominal separation go from 3 to about 1 -1/2 but my back has pain has significantly reduced. I’m personally recommending all my mommy friends to Heather!

Y.L. (mom of 2)

Testimonial by R.D., age 38

"I had a severe tear during childbirth that was not stitched together correctly and therefore healed poorly. Even after having a surgery a year later to remove the scar tissue, I was still having pain, and no one could explain why -- there was no overt 'reason' to explain the pain. I had tried other 'specialists' and even saw another physical therapist who had me do hip / leg stretches -- what a joke! I was about to give up and just 'live with it' until thankfully I kept searching online and found Heather.

Read more: Testimonial by R.D., age 38

Testimonial by J.H.

My last appointment with Heather was over 6 years ago but I still think of her every day. I don’t take for granted that I can easily get out of bed, care for my two active and busy young boys, run, play tennis, clean my house, or sit at a desk for several hours at a time. None of these tasks were easy for me before meeting Heather. Eight years ago my car was struck from behind by a tractor trailer that was estimated to have been speeding. I spent 3 years working with different PTs and Drs trying to heal and move on with my life. When I became pregnant and the hormone relaxin that “relaxes” all the joints of the body and the additional weight gain erased all my progress and I was suddenly in a lot of pain again. My OB sent me to Heather for one last try.

Read more: Testimonial by J.H.

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