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yoga to relieve your headache
Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

Dealing with too much tension? Try yoga to relieve your headache.

Tension headaches can be caused by tension in the jaw, face, neck, shoulders, and back.

Headaches caused by tight and restricted neck muscles can be helped by a seated neck release, which will stretch the scalene muscles on the neck. Sometimes headaches are caused by back pain that’s radiating up the spine, and yoga to relieve your headache may be the answer.

Try these simple poses to release the tension that may be giving you a headache.

Supported Child's Pose

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Supported child’s pose will help you find some relaxation through your neck, shoulders, and back to ease tension that may be causing your headache. Begin on all fours. Sit the glutes down toward your heels and rest the forehead on a yoga block or bolster. Lightly push your forehead into the block/bolster while you walk your fingertips forwards, towards the top of the mat. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

Supta Baddha Konsana

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Laying in a restorative version of supine butterfly will calm the nervous system, which may help with the pain and anxiety associated with a headache. Begin in a seat on the floor. Place a pillow under each knee and bring the soles of the feet together. Lay back onto the yoga mat, if your neck is tight, you may place the head on a pillow as well. You can cover the eyes with a scented eye pillow and relax for 5-10 minutes in this position.

Viparita Karani

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Legs up the wall: This restorative yoga pose will instill a sense of calmness. All you need is a wall. Sit as close as you can to the wall. If this is uncomfortable, prop your bum and lower back on a folded blanket. Keep the legs together or spread them wide in a straddle. Just close your eyes and breathe, staying as long as you'd like.

Seated neck release

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For headaches caused by tight and restricted neck muscles, try a seated neck release which will stretch the scalene muscles on the neck. Beginning in a comfortable seat, drop your right ear towards your right shoulder. If you would like a deeper stretch, you can float your left hand off your lap just to the left of your left thigh. For an even deeper stretch, place your right hand lightly on the right side of your head, at the temple and let the weight of the arm stretch the neck muscles further. Hold for 3-5 breaths and then slowly switch sides. Repeat on both sides a few times.

Happy baby pose

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Sometimes headaches are caused by back pain that’s radiating up the spine. Happy baby pose will help relax the muscles of the glutes, pelvic floor, and low back. Begin by laying on your back and hug the knees towards the chest, if you are flexible enough, place the hands on the outside of the calves, ankles, or feet. Gently roll the tailbone down towards the mat and rock side to side to massage the low back and sacrum.


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Forward folds will stretch the fascia and muscles along the spine and back of the neck, which may be adding tension to your headache. This pose will also calm the nervous system. Begin in a standing position, with feet hip-width distance apart, slowly roll the spine down vertebra by vertebra, pausing at “sticky” spots for a breath or two to help the muscles relax and stretch. When you are at the bottom of your forward fold, allow the head to hang heavy like a bowling ball. You can grab opposite elbows, and hang like a ragdoll, keeping the head and neck relaxed. You can gently shake the head ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to further decrease tension. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths and slowly roll back up, stacking the vertebra one by one.

Setu bandha sarvangasana

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*This pose is contraindicated for certain neck injuries*

Please avoid if you have ongoing neck issues and practice only with the guidance of an experienced teacher

Bridge pose will stretch the shoulders, thoracic spine, and back of the neck, easing any tension that may be making its way up to your head and causing your headache. To begin, lie supine on the floor, with a folded blanket under your shoulders to protect your neck. Bend your knees and set your feet on the floor, close enough to the bum that you can graze the heels with your fingertips. As you exhale, press the feet into the mat while pushing the arms into the floor, bridging the pelvis up off the mat. The glutes will be active but not clenching together. If your shoulders allow it, clasp the fingers under the sacrum and extend through the arms towards the feet. Stay in the pose for 5-10 deep breaths.

If you are looking for more guidance on yoga to relieve your headache, give us a call to make an appointment today.

This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult with your doctor or a physical therapist for an individualized session and exercises.

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by A.B.

Before I was referred to Heather Jeffcoat I was living in a nightmare. I had been married to my husband for three years and I was suffering from Vaginismus. That all changed when I visited my OBGYN and she said she knew of someone with a great success rate. To be honest I was hesitant at first because my first doctor had already told me that all I needed to do was order dilators from the internet and I should overcome my problem. She was wrong because I had followed the book on how to use the dilators with absolutely no advancements in my condition. However, that all changed when I went in for my first visit and Heather took the time to explain my condition and how we were going to work together to overcome it.

I remember leaving her office with a glimmer of hope that I could live a normal life. As my sessions continued I began to see immediate results. With only four sessions and a strict dedication to my home programs I was cured of Vaginismus. In the beginning of this process I was made aware that my health insurance company might not cover the costs, which was disappointing but today I can say one hundred percent that it was the best money I ever spent. Now thanks to Heather I am finally enjoying my life to the fullest with my husband. Thank you Heather, I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate all that you have done for me. I will never forget it. Those who are suffering from these types of conditions don’t be afraid because she makes you feel so comfortable and the end result is worth it. Good luck to you all and I hope you experience the success I have.
-- A.B.

Testimonial by Alexandra B.

Heather is without exaggerating AMAZING! After years of trouble with a certain part of my body, in no time, she made everything change back to equilibrium and to what would be considered normal. She explains everything in detail and therefore gives you a better understanding of why things are the way they are, and how you can work towards turning things around. I would highly recommend Heather for any type of Physical Therapy. She has created her own "Method/Therapy" through years of studying (with some of the greatest practitioners), practice and breaking down the issues of her past patients, enabling her to fine tune her own system. I'm so thankful to have found her, and I'm especially grateful for the quick recovery I've achieved, after years of distress. If you cannot afford her, I recommend you purchase her book. Although it may not be Heather in person, it can still help you to get on the right path to recovery!

-- Alexandra B., 5/20/2015 via Yelp!

Testimonial by Jamie M.

I have been going to see Heather for a while now, and I can't tell you enough how much she has improved my quality of life. Heather specializes in issues like pelvic floor, but I see her for other orthopedic issues.

I have a lot of chronic joint pain and dysfunction issues (back, hips, neck) that require that have ongoing physical therapy maintenance. The effects of my problem joints/areas overlap and interconnect with each other in complex ways, so helping me requires really having a complete understanding of the entire skeletal and muscular system. Pain does not always appear where the problem actually is, the human body is a twisty, many-layered puzzle. I have an exercise program I do at home and I am very functional, but there are just something things I need a PT to help me out with.

Read more: Testimonial by Jamie M.

Testimonial by Ann V.

I wish i could give this place 10 stars!! 
I have been suffering from vaginismus for 5 years and never found the cure to it. I had seen an ob/gyn and he diagnosed me with vaginismus and told me i needed a surgery to cure my condition, which i refused to do. He also referred me to a PT that he works with, i had given them multiple calls and they never responded back to me, so i started searching yelp for another PT. I am SO HAPPY I found Heather's office! I was working with Laureen, and with her guidance and techniques i was able to be cured from vaginismus in only 2 1/2 short months!!! I couldn't believe how quickly their program worked for me! I am forever grateful and thankful from Heather, and Laureen! They are the absolute best at what they do!

Read more: Testimonial by Ann V.

Testimonial by A.M.

Months after giving birth, it was difficult for me to go from a sitting or lying position up to a full standing position without feeling that I had to remain hunched over until a bit of time had passed to get fully upright. However, after taking Heather’s course, I learned exercises to get my body back to normal. She also showed me correct ways to lift and carry my son as well as put him in/take him out of the carseat and stroller. This class was really beneficial and Heather is a wonderful teacher who made me feel very comfortable.

-- A.M.

Testimonial by Amanda W.

Heather's unique physical therapy program literally changed my life! After years of struggling with vaginismus, a condition that made it impossible for me to have intercourse and very difficult to use tampons without pain, a gynecologist referred me to Heather. I was nervous for my first appointment, but Heather's professional and friendly demeanor put me at ease. She did a great job explaining each technique she was using to help my muscles relax. Heather uses a combination of internal and external stretches and exercises to relax the pelvic floor and build muscle strength. Her specially developed home program helped me quickly recover from an issue that seemed insurmountable before meeting Heather. She was optimistic about my progress and incredibly encouraging. Less than 6 months after my first session, I was able to have pain-free sex for the first time in my life! If you are suffering from vaginismus or any other pelvic floor issues, I highly recommend making an appointment with Heather and reading her book!

-- Amanda W., 2/15/16 via Yelp!

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