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Simple Tips for Using Yoga for Sciatica Pain

Sciatic nerve pain can be uncomfortable and may affect your quality of life and your activities.

Flares in sciatic pain can be debilitating, and yoga for sciatica pain can help immensly. Often times the lower back and hips can contribute to sciatic pain. Try these yoga stretches for some relief.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with your doctor or a physical therapist for an individualized session and exercises.

Here are some stretches you can do at home, at the gym, or at the park to keep your sciatic nerve pain at bay and enjoy your day pain-free.

Figure 4 Stretch

Yoga for Sciatica Pain

  • Begin by lying down comfortably on floor or bed with one knee bent and foot on floor/bed and other foot resting on opposite knee.
  • Strap or hands are wrapped around bottom knee.
  • Relax low back and shoulders.
  • Gently bring both arms to bring bottom knee to chest to stretch opposite glute/hip.
  • Keep shoulders relaxed and keep back flat on bed/floor hips even.
  • Stretch for 30 seconds - 1 minute, and repeat 2-3x on each side. This stretches the piriformis muscle.

Seated Single Leg Stretch

Yoga for Sciatica Pain

  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out straight in front of you.
  • Place the right ankle on top of the left thigh, or place the sole of the right foot along the inseam of the left thigh.
  • Lean forward and allow your upper body to reach toward your thigh.
  • Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. This stretches the glutes and lower back.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Outer Hip and IT Band Stretch

Yoga for Sciatica Pain

  • Begin by lying down comfortably on floor or bed with both knees bent and feet on the floor.
  • Relax low back and shoulders. Relax low back and shoulders.
  • Wrap the hands around the back of the right knee, or loop a yoga strap around the ball of the foot.
  • Straighten the leg towards the ceiling and slowly swing the leg across the body, across midline to the opposite side.
  • Use arms for control and stability. Keep knee soft, NOT locked.
  • Stretch for 30 seconds - 1 minute, and repeat 2-3x on each side. This stretches the abductors of the hip and the fascia of the IT Band.

Seated Twist

Yoga for Sciatica Pain

  • Sit on the mat with your legs extended straight out in front of you.
  • Bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the floor on the outside of the left knee.
  • Wrap your left forearm around the outside of the right knee to help you gently turn your body toward the right.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and repeat three times, then switch sides. This twist tractions the spine, which may reduce tension on the sciatic nerve.

Seated Forward Fold

Yoga for Sciatica Pain

  • Begin in a seated position, with both legs in front of you
  • Keeping your spine long, hinge forward, feeling a stretch behind both legs.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and repeat three times. This stretches the hamstrings which can add tension to the hip and low back area.

When you are ready to try yoga for sciatica pain, give us a call to make an appointment today.

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by J.B.

My husband and I were having problems with painful intercourse. My therapist recommended that I go and get a pelvic floor evaluation from a physical therapist. Having never been treated by a physical therapist, I wondered how this really was going to help me. My husband who is a physician was very supportive and agreed that a PT evaluation would be a great idea. So i made the appointment and was blown away by what I learned. I had no idea that pelvic floor muscles could get tight and have trigger points just like any other muscle in the body. I'm a massage therapist and very familiar with tight muscles, and this new thought really amazed me. Heather's program to help relax and strengthen these muscles made such a difference. I can say that I am 100% pain free during intercourse now. Yippee! Going to the PT appointments and doing the at-home exercises was definitely a discipline, but it's 100% worth it! The rewards are amazing.

-- J.B.

Testimonial by Y.L. (mom of 2)

After having my second baby via C-section I searched for months to try to find help for my lower back pain and separated abdominal muscles. I finally came across Heather Jeffcoat via a mommy blog. I reached out to her via email and set my first appointment. My first appointment went amazing … she listened to what my symptoms, check my separation and explained to me in detail what the next steps would be. Not only did my abdominal separation go from 3 to about 1 -1/2 but my back has pain has significantly reduced. I’m personally recommending all my mommy friends to Heather!

Y.L. (mom of 2)

Testimonial by Carolina J.

I had tried Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy before (with another PT) and I had a really bad (painful) experience. A friend of mine and fellow patient, told me about Heather, Laureen and Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) and I decided to try again. I am so happy I did! Femina PT have, literally, changed my life. I was able to do again things I couldn't do for over 10 years!! Their bedside manners are impeccable, their knowledge and understanding make me feel comfortable to recommend this place to anyone in pain. Specially if you have Endometriosis. 100% recommended!!

-- Carolina J., 12/28/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by Fritzette H.

I went to Heather after the birth of my third child. It was lucky, really, that I was referred to her, because my doctor had referred me to a surgeon for a possible hysterectomy or pelvic wall rebuild. Thankfully, I went to Heather before undergoing either surgery, she was able to fix the problem. She has studied extensively in women's health--even written a book about it--and was able to diagnose my problem, suggest a course of treatment (6 weeks), and then follow through with said treatment. By the end, as she said, I was as good as gold. Boy, was it worth it! Though uncomfortable to talk about, much less write about, it is worth getting the word out there. If you have painful intercourse, especially after birth or other trauma, the treatment may be as simple as Physical Therapy (with Heather, of course). I highly recommend her.

-- Fritzette H., 3/24/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by T.H.

I started seeing Heather in October 2014. For more than two years, I had been suffering from painful urinary tract infection type symptoms after my bartholins gland surgery which included constant burning and urinary frequency sensation that led to more and more painful intercourse. I had made multiple visits to internist, obgyn and urologist's offices, went through a range of treatment with UTI and bladder frequency medication that included antibiotics, vesicare, estrogen cream, but nothing worked.

Read more: Testimonial by T.H.

Testimonial by R.S.

I wanted to thank you so much for helping me get through something I thought I may never be able to. We have achieved pain-free intercourse and this has really solidified our marriage. We are so grateful to you for all the work you do! Thank you!!

-- R.S.

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