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Heather Jeffcoat in Cosmo
Gymgasms Are a Thing
Khadija Horton//Getty Images
Perhaps you're one of those people who look at working out as necessary durdgery at best just to stay physcially fit - or maybe just to keep your figure how you like it. Well, Megan Schaltegger at Cosmo had heard about this new thing called "gymgasms", and she decided to find out if they are fact or fantasy. Here is a brief synopsis of the article, along with a link to the full article below.

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Yes, Gymgasms Really Are a Thing

Now Learn to Make Them Happen for Yourself!

Megan begins the article with:

While it might have just popped up on TikTok, the gymgasm isn’t exactly new. Pelvic floor therapist Dr. Heather Jeffcoat, founder of Femina Physical Therapy, says it’s a lot more common than you might think. In fact, according to a study published by famed sexologist Alfred Kinsey, the phenomenon dates back to the early 1950s. The research varies, but the Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy reported that one in 10 women report having an exercise-induced orgasm in their life, while an even smaller population experiences them on the reg. (Hello! Teach me!)

A little background on how this is all possible

First of all, let's familiarize ourselves with the pudendal nerve. It's the superhighway of arousal, and because of its close proximity to the large muscle groups of the pelvis, it is easily stimulated by certain movements. The key to maximizing your pleasure is to find out which movements do this for you, and though everyone is wired a little differently, there are some commonalities that make achieving gymgasms easier for many people.

Find out more about the pudendal nerve here

Now that we've familiarized ourselves a bit about the pudendal nerve, it's time for an important question:

Is A ‘Gymgasm’ Actually An Orgasm?

As I mentioned to Megan, some may interpret it as an orgasm, or maybe it is an orgasm... An orgasm is such a unique experience for everybody. And when we talk about the physiological aspects of arousal, we must remember that everyone is built differently. Some people may be more or less sensitive depending on body type, fitness level, and so on. Furthermore there is often a psychological aspect to arousal that comes into play. People who are more shy may not be as open to letting themselves get lost in the moment in a public setting like a gym as those who are more adventurous. Many peoples' expression of orgasm can also vary widely. It's possible that someone who is used to experiencing orgasms as a slow and intense burn is a better candidate for gymgasms than someone who erupts like a volcano with arms flailing everywhere.

So to answer the question "Is a gymgasm actually an orgasm?", here's what Megan had to say:

To put that into layman's terms, the exercise-induced orgasm is tied to how your nerves and muscles interact together to stimulate the inner clit (because remember: your clitoris is much more than the bean-like button at the top of your vag). By engaging your pelvic floor muscles, or in some cases your hip flexors, you can prompt a climax—without any fancy toys at play. So if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, maybe it’s an orgasm?

Now that we've decided that yes, most gymgasms truly are orgasms brought on by exercise, there's a lot more to unpack, including:

  • Can Men Have Gymgasms?
  • What Exercises Can Help You Achieve a Gymgasm?
  • Can You Increase Your Chances of Having a Gymgasm?

Find answers to the above questions and learn a lot more about gymgasms by reading the full article here. And if you're interested in pelvic floor therapy as one way to improve your chances of experiencing gymgasms, schedule an appointment with one of our trained physical therapists here.

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Testimonial by P.M.

I was hopeful but frankly skeptical when the doctor treating me for Interstitial Cystitis recommended that I go to Heather for physical therapy. Medication and diet helped control my IC symptoms, but I had never heard of physical therapy being used to treat IC. The education and treatment I received from Heather was a revelation. She explained that the pain I experienced with IC had helped create a cycle of muscle guarding which affected the entire pelvic area. I had no idea of the amount of tension being held there. No wonder my husband and I had not been able to have sexual intercourse for years!

Read more: Testimonial by P.M.

Testimonial by Amanda W.

Heather's unique physical therapy program literally changed my life! After years of struggling with vaginismus, a condition that made it impossible for me to have intercourse and very difficult to use tampons without pain, a gynecologist referred me to Heather. I was nervous for my first appointment, but Heather's professional and friendly demeanor put me at ease. She did a great job explaining each technique she was using to help my muscles relax. Heather uses a combination of internal and external stretches and exercises to relax the pelvic floor and build muscle strength. Her specially developed home program helped me quickly recover from an issue that seemed insurmountable before meeting Heather. She was optimistic about my progress and incredibly encouraging. Less than 6 months after my first session, I was able to have pain-free sex for the first time in my life! If you are suffering from vaginismus or any other pelvic floor issues, I highly recommend making an appointment with Heather and reading her book!

-- Amanda W., 2/15/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by S.S., age 54

Heather is the best! I saw her today for terrible hip/groin pain. I was so impressed with the safety measures in place and felt completely safe . Thanks for the healing hands.

S.S., age 54

Testimonial by R.H.

No one could tell me why I was having pain during sex--sharp pain, not just uncomfortable, pain. I was referred to Heather Jeffcoat after researching several different options. I had seen a specialist who told me physical therapy would not help and my only option was surgery. I really didn't want to go that route, so when we got a referral, I decided to try it--it can't hurt, I thought. I am so glad I did. She diagnosed the problem right away, which was a relief in itself.

To know why I was having pain eased my mind immensely. And to hear that she could fix it without surgery was another relief. She said she could fix the problem in 6 weeks. I think it was actually 4 for me. She was very methodical, and treated me as an intelligent human being capable of participating in my own recovery. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone. She did not try to prolong my session numbers, she worked hard to accommodate my schedule (and the fact that I had to bring a baby to sessions), and she was completely honest the entire time. It is so hard to find someone with these characteristics, much less a professional who is so good at what she does. She has my highest respect.

-- R.H.

Testimonial by A.M.

Months after giving birth, it was difficult for me to go from a sitting or lying position up to a full standing position without feeling that I had to remain hunched over until a bit of time had passed to get fully upright. However, after taking Heather’s course, I learned exercises to get my body back to normal. She also showed me correct ways to lift and carry my son as well as put him in/take him out of the carseat and stroller. This class was really beneficial and Heather is a wonderful teacher who made me feel very comfortable.

-- A.M.

Testimonial by Lauren B.

Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) has been such an answer to prayer, i'm so glad I found them! I've been struggling with vaginismus my whole life, but didn't have a name for it until about 6 or 7 months ago. Even once I did have a name for it though, I didn't know where to begin in getting help. My OB/GYN had me get a set of dilators, but I couldn't even insert the smallest one by myself. Most times I tried I just ended up frustrated and in tears. I felt really alone, like I was broken and didn't have the energy to keep trying. When I got engaged a few months ago though, I realized I needed to get answers so i wasn't dreading my honeymoon.

Read more: Testimonial by Lauren B.

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